Our values are very specific and
family centered. It seems like “normal” society has become a hotbed of things
we don’t really care for our children to be exposed to at this age. It seems like young kids today are talking about and
engaging in behaviors that are more suited to middle or high school. The
stories and jokes I’ve heard from kids under the age of twelve make me cringe,
and we’re talking about a rural area, not some big metropolitan city. Not
exactly the topics, attitudes, or actions we choose for our children to
emulate. We also have issues with the pressure piled upon children in schools. Topics you may have learned in high school are being taught in elementary school. In some areas, too much pressure is placed upon kids to pass a test and meet standards. Kids
don’t get to learn for the joy of learning; they learn something because it’s
on the test. And then there’s the pressure of time, hurrying here and there,
never really having time to enjoy each other.
Camping allows us the opportunity
to spend our time together in a fun environment. We’re able to model and teach
important values through life lessons at the camper. Our kids learn
togetherness; they learn how to get along in a confined space. They learn
patience, perseverance, and the importance of a job well done as they
participate in Industrial Arts 101 and put together a grill or fix a bike with
Dad. They learn integrity, doing right when no one is looking, when properly
dispose of our trash and discuss sticky situations on a walk. They learn
environmental stewardship when we walk and pick up 50 pounds of other people’s
litter. They learn life skills like
cooking, grilling, checking tire pressures, using tools, or reading a map. They
learn minimalism: you can only cram so much stuff into a camper, and if
something comes in, something else must go out. You don’t need nearly as much
stuff as you think you do. They learn about, shall we say, touchy subjects,
from their parents, not on the playground or in a locker room. They learn to
relax, to appreciate the wonders of nature. They learn to make friends, to be
social and assertive in meeting new pals around the campground. They learn to
play, to really be children for as long as they can. They learn patriotism, as
we visit national treasures and historic sites.
This is why we plan to hit the
road, to live our dream, full-time.
What other lessons do your kids
learn from camping?
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