Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bumps in the Roadschooling...

So, it's been a while since I wrote a column, but I've been extremely busy with hosting and homeschooling. To catch up with what I last was talking about, the longer we're in our Jayco 31 by 8, the better. It's hard to explain how close you become after almost 7 months in a camper (March 31 until now).

A turtle! Yay! What a learning experience!
So, you're thinking of homeschooling. The plan is so grandiose, everyone is excited about it. You decide to start off easy, with a planned curriculum. It starts out great. This homeschooling thing is a piece of cake!
Then, you get into the meat of it. The newness wears off, and all of a sudden, you and your child are having school together. You are "the" teacher.  All the respect you've earned over the summer is gone. You are not some stranger that he has to see and listen to one hour a day, five days a week. No, he's with you 24-7.
We butted heads pretty hard for a week or two. Then, I realized that we've got to make this better. So, I started making changes here and there. It's still a work in progress. Last week, it all came together and reminded me how great our roadschooling really is. We had exam week, and Hunter aced them! He missed one question each in Math, Science, and Social Studies. He missed 4 in Language Arts, but... WOW! Hunter is a great kid, but he's just never done extremely well in school. That's fine, as long as he has tried his hardest. But now, wow! One quarter of homeschool under his belt, his lowest grade for the quarter was a 94, and the K12 people recommended gifted testing.
Not only do we have class in PJs, under the awning, but it's working really great!
Thank God for my Jayco 31 x 8!

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