Saturday, March 23, 2013

Camping has made us Famous!

Well, almost!

We're currently featured on Jayco RV's Facebook page as part of their Memories that Matter advertising campaign! Yay! National exposure! Check it out here!
Look! That's my photo and my daughter on Jayco's facebook page!
There are a few inaccuracies that I tried to correct in my comments, but that's okay.... (I do have a dear husband named Brian who, for some reason, is not mentioned at all. Bless his heart! {Love you babe!} We have a travel trailer, not a 5th wheel {boy, do I wish- that would equal more room!}And we spend six months camping, not just weekends. {If we can find a hosting job for the other six months, we'd do it full-time.} But all in all, it's a nice article!)

We've also been speaking to a TV producer for Bravo about possibly being on a new reality show highlighting different parenting styles. I'm not sure if we're TV material, but it sure is exciting to be considered! Look out Hollywood, here come the Beasleys!

We're being featured in an upcoming Cobblestone Magazine feature on Roadschooling, and we also have an article coming up next week in our local newspaper.

It's nice to get a little attention. Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to myself!

1 comment:

  1. Now a days people love camping. They love to spend free time in outdoor rather then in home.

    Kellys Camping


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